
TierDeveloper 5.0

TierDeveloper 5.0 is the industry standard for Object to Relational mapping and code generation tool that helps you rapidly design, generate and deploy middle-tier-objects for your enterprise applications. It is designed to enable developers to build BUSINESS FRAMEWORKS with an instant increase in productivity and at the same time greatly simplifying the management of change. .NET Support - .NET components - ASP.NET pages - XML/XSLT - Web Services - C# and VB.NET - Visual Studio .NET integration - Supports OLEDB, SqlDB and OraDB Data Providers - Web Services - BEA WebLogic - IBM WebSphere - Oracle 9iAS Database Support - SQL Server 7.0/2000 - Oracle 8i/9i/10g - IBM DB2 7.1/8.1 - Ms Access 2000 or later

Download TierDeveloper

  • Size: 12.2 MB
  • License: Commercial
  • Publisher: AlachiSoft
