VK TypeHelp

VK TypeHelp 1.0

This computer program serves writers in repetitive tasks: input of long words or standard phrases, and in recovering lost pieces of text. It is of special value for input of formal language text, and in technical and commercial writing. Think of an assistant of the writer, sitting beside him and observing the sequence of his keystrokes. Then, after getting some experience, the assistant will predict and suggest reasonable continuations of the user's text input according to former occurrences of the context. Whenever the user accepts one of the suggestions, the assistant will input it, in place of the user. The user selects, shortens, or accepts a suggestion by simple keystrokes. In contrast to known auto text or text completion tools, this program does neither need explicit decisions and input of text in advance for future utilization by the user, nor does it depend on word or field content boundaries. Completing the set of tools, it will find its fields of application.

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